Antivirus installation services available in Melbourne

We are good at setting up the best antivirus software for your computer.

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Computers help us connect with the world regularly. While that connection is necessary, it brings with itself a lot of threats to your computer. Spyware and viruses are the most common forms of threats a computer faces. It is most likely that your system got the virus from some other computer via USB, email, and attachments. The best protection against such threats to your computer is an antivirus set up, which you can get by hiring Smart Geeks. 

Installing antivirus 

To protect your computer from viruses, Smart Geeks technicians are always ready to serve you; they examine your system before installing the most suitable software in it. The IT professionals at Smart Geeks understand the system requirements of your computer device and then set up efficient software. 

Purpose of antivirus software on the computer 

The antivirus’s fundamental role and purpose are to detect incoming and present viruses on your system, neutralize them, send messages to the system about the malware, and then eradicate the virus. Antivirus software acts as a guard of your system; it keeps your computer away from hazardous agents and phishing worms to keep it safe. 

How does antivirus software work?

  • Antiviruses have specific criteria for what falls under the category of a virus; when that criterion is met, the software detects the viruses. AVs have the options for manual or automatic scans, that run throughout the system. 

  • Antiviruses have built-in analysis tools that lookout for any suspicious activity in computer programs and online interaction, like emails. 

  • Antivirus software sends alerts to the system when a foreign agent is trying to intervene, and you can command it to allow or disallow the intervention. 

For a guaranteed and reliable antivirus software installation, call us today, and one of our geeks will be at your place to help you resolve all of your malware threats.